GBGH Switchboard 705-526-1300

Latest News

Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is receiving more than $900,000 from the County of Simcoe to support local healthcare in the Midland, Penetanguishene, Tiny Township, Tay Township, Georgian Bay Township, Springwater Township and Beausoleil First Nation area.

The County has pledged nearly $3.16 million to GBGH over 15 years. For the first time since that pledge was made in 2017, GBGH is using $901,936, leaving a balance of more than $2.2 million to be used at the hospital’s discretion until 2031. GBGH will use $239,000 of these funds toward the redevelopment of its sterilization department. The hospital will dedicate $662,963 to pay the remaining balance on its new computerized tomography (CT) scanner which arrived in 2018.

“We are very fortunate to have the support of all the municipalities which make up the County of Simcoe as they understand the vital importance of local healthcare for residents,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH and chair, Simcoe County Hospital Alliance. “Upgrades to GBGH’s sterilization department directly impacts safety at our hospital. Having our new CT scanner has led to dramatic decreases in wait times and improved diagnosis due to its speed and image quality.”

This is part of the County’s $45 million commitment to the Simcoe County Hospital Alliance between 2017 and 2031. The Alliance is made up of hospitals inside our region and one which cares for County residents – GBGH, Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital, Collingwood General & Marine Hospital, Stevenson Memorial Hospital, Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care and Southlake Regional Health Centre. It was established in 2002 to advise the County of Simcoe of ongoing hospital capital needs and ensure equitable distribution of the County’s healthcare funding.

“Amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, the County of Simcoe continues to recognize the increasing demand for high-quality, accessible local healthcare,” said County of Simcoe Warden George Cornell. “Our long tradition of investment in local area hospitals is important now more than ever, as we work together to provide enhanced physical, social and psychological supports to our residents. This $900,000 investment will support Georgian Bay General Hospital in continuing to deliver these critical services to Simcoe County residents including vital medical equipment and redevelopment of the hospital’s sterilization department.”

Since 1994, the County of Simcoe has committed $107 million to improve local hospital care and specialized services.


For more information, please contact:

Jennifer Moore                                                  Collin Matanowitsch

Communications Officer                                 Manager, Public Relations

Georgian Bay General Hospital                     County of Simcoe, Service Simcoe Branch

Tel: 705-526-1300 x5177                                 Cell: (705)734-8386

Email:                        Email:

July 23, 2020—As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is
reassuring patients it is safe to receive care based on the many safety measures the hospital has
implemented over the past four months. Whether individuals need Emergency department care or
have an elective procedure booked, GBGH is prepared to meet the health care needs of the
community it serves.

In mid-June, the hospital safely resumed some elective procedures and surgeries based on
specific criteria laid out by the provincial government to help maintain safety. These include
enhanced cleaning practices, a stable rate of COVID cases in the area, a reliable supply of PPE
and medication, having a plan for pre-operative diagnostic testing, and having staff and space to
care for patients in the event of a COVID patient surge.

As surgeries/procedures ramp up to 60 per cent of the hospitals’ capacity, GBGH continues to
work through the backlog of cases in a safe and efficient matter while keeping patient safety a

“We understand that times have been challenging and going out into public spaces may cause
feelings of anxiety, but GBGH continues to be a safe environment,” says Dr. Vikram Ralhan, chief
of staff and emergency physician, GBGH. “We are taking all precautionary measures to protect
patients and do not want anyone to delay care – whether it may be a visit to our Emergency
department, an elective procedure or a diagnostic test. If you are experiencing a health concern,
it’s a concern to us too.”

With certified infection prevention and control experts, cleaning professionals and clinical
education resources on staff to guide the hospital through all safety measures, the hospital
remains one of the safest places within the community. GBGH has enhanced cleaning measures
between procedures and is ensuring that all persons entering the hospital are screened, comply
with hand hygiene practices, wear a hospital-provided mask and follow physical distancing.

“The right care in the right place at the right time is critical as untreated or undiagnosed health
issues can become more serious over time,” adds Dr. Ralhan. “Although it’s uncertain how long
the pandemic will continue, the community can remain certain that the hospital will continue
providing safe, exceptional care through all the services we offer.”

Jennifer Moore
Communications Officer, GBGH
705-526-1300 ext 5177

New visitation guidelines have been posted at the entrances to Georgian Bay General Hospital.


July 20, 2020 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is re-opening limited visitation at the hospital to enhance the patient experience. Hospitals across the province restricted visitation in mid-March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and at the direction of the Ontario government.

“It is never an easy decision to restrict patients from having visitors while in hospital as we know family presence improves patient outcomes, experience and has safety benefits such as decreasing patient falls,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH. “As we expect the pandemic to continue for months and recognizing the positive impact visitors have on patient safety, we have revised our restrictions to allow for a phased, safe approach to visitation. This decision is based on the status of the pandemic in our area, as well as the benefit to patients and families.”

To ensure visitation can take place safely, precautionary measures remain in place.

Admitted patients are permitted one visitor per day during a scheduled visitation time (see below). The exceptions to one visitor includes visitation for a palliative/actively dying patient. In this case, GBGH will allow up to four visitors at a time, as coordinated with the care team.

The hospital is asking visitors to schedule an admitted patient visitation time by calling the hospital’s main phone line at 705-526-1300. The scheduled times are between 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Emergency department patients may have one visitor remain with them if support is required. Circumstances where support could be required include:

  • Pediatric patients – i.e. children under 18 (one guardian permitted with child)
  • Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care staff supervising a patient
  • Central North Correctional Centre (CNCC) staff guarding an inmate
  • Language barrier (translation required)
  • Mental health/competency/confusion challenges
  • Palliative

Patients attending the hospital for scheduled appointments or procedures may have one visitor accompany them if support is required for similar reasons as in the Emergency department (listed above).

All permitted visitors will be screened upon entering the hospital. Any visitor who screens positive for COVID-19 symptoms will be asked to not visit. In exceptional circumstances (such as a support person for a woman in labour, a parent/guardian of a child in the Emergency department or a palliative/end of life patient), a visitor who screens positive for symptoms will be reviewed by GBGH’s infection prevention and control practitioner or hospital coordinator prior to entry.

All visitors must comply with hand hygiene practices, wear a hospital-provided mask and follow physical distancing. Visitors could also be asked to wear additional personal protective equipment as determined by the care team based on a patients’ condition.

Visitor guidelines are subject to change based on the status of the pandemic within the region GBGH serves.

Virtual visitation options are still encouraged where possible. The hospital is offering patients and families the opportunity to visit virtually via the bedside entertainment systems on its inpatient units (2 North, 2 East). Patients on 1 North are able to virtually visit with family using tablets available to all patients on the unit. GBGH continues to offer free telephone, internet and TV service to enable telephone calls between patients and their loved ones.

For more information, please visit



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177

June 15, 2020 – After spending weeks conducting detailed planning to safely resume some elective surgeries and procedures, Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) has received approval to start some surgeries and diagnostic imaging. The hospital is still awaiting approval of ambulatory care and endoscopy procedures, but anticipates this approval by June 22.

Elective surgeries and procedures were halted in mid-March based on direction from the provincial government due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This action was taken to ensure hospitals could maintain inpatient beds, supplies (personal protective equipment – PPE) and medication to care for a potential surge of COVID-19 patients.

“Although necessary, we recognize this situation has been frustrating for patients whose care was postponed due to COVID,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH. “Hospitals never want to make the difficult decision to delay elective procedures because people have been patiently waiting for their care. Now we must carefully plan how we re-schedule these patients in a timely manner while taking into consideration their condition, enhanced cleaning measures, physical distancing and patient flow through our hospital. Re-opening under these circumstances is a much more complex process than pausing services.”

The resumption of services is based on criteria laid out by the government which must be approved before a hospital can proceed. These include a stable rate of COVID cases in the area, a reliable supply of PPE and medication, having a plan for pre-operative diagnostic testing, and having staff and space to care for patients in the event of a COVID patient surge.

During the past several weeks, GBGH has worked with other hospitals in the region to develop a gradual, staged recovery plan. The first phase of GBGH’s plan focused on resuming surgical and diagnostic imaging procedures. Other procedures will return in the coming weeks as additional approvals are granted.

“GBGH continued performing urgent and emergency procedures during the past three months, but our physicians and staff are eager to return to elective work,” says Dr. Vikram Ralhan, chief of staff and Emergency physician, GBGH. “We know there is a significant backlog in cases and we want to work through these safely and efficiently in the patients’ best interest. Over the coming weeks patients will begin receiving calls to schedule their procedures.”

Patients will have a different experience than they may anticipate when coming to GBGH. The hospital appreciates their cooperation and patience as new precautions could include:

  • Changes to the physical environment – how patients enter and travel through the hospital
  • Changes to the pre-operative and post-operative process – virtual pre-op appointments, self-isolation for 14 days where feasible and required, recovery
  • Safety measures to protect patients and hospital staff – wearing a mask, visitor restrictions



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177


May 26, 2020 – The COVID-19 Midland Assessment Centre is ready to perform expanded testing in response to Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s announcement regarding increased testing across the province.

Testing is available at the Midland Assessment Centre to anyone based on the following expanded criteria:

  • Anyone with at least one symptom of COVID-19 (mild symptoms included)
  • People who are concerned they have been exposed to COVID-19, including anyone who is in contact with or may have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case
  • People who are at risk of exposure to COVID-19 through their employment, including essential workers (e.g., health care workers, grocery store employees, food processing plants)
  • People who want to be tested but have no symptoms or risk of exposure to COVID-19

 The Assessment Call Centre, which schedules appointments, is open seven days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The call centre will provide individuals a booked appointment upon request.

To book an appointment at the Midland Assessment Centre, call 705-529-1025. The centre takes appointments to ensure the safety of the public and staff through physical distancing.

The Community Assessment Centre is a partnership between GBGH, Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care, Chigamik Community Health Centre, Wendat Community Programs and the South Georgian Bay Community Health Centre. The centre is staffed by representatives from these organizations.


Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177

April 21, 2020 – As Chair of Georgian Bay General’s Board of Directors, I’m impressed and humbled by the efforts of our hospital team in preparing for COVID-19.

During this crisis our Board has been meeting virtually to stay updated on the preparation and status at the hospital. Even from afar, we are well aware of all the exceptional efforts being made by GBGH’s talented staff and credentialed staff (physicians, midwives, dentists).

To date, we have been very fortunate at GBGH to have seen very few cases. However, if the hospital were to receive a sudden surge of COVID-19 patients, I know it is prepared.

Although our world as we know it has never seen anything quite like COVID-19, GBGH is adapting to changing circumstances daily. The team is running though scenarios daily to ensure all details are accounted for and preparing spaces designated for COVID care, all the while hoping they will never be filled with patients.

From the leaders planning the details to the staff skillfully executing them, GBGH’s team is taking the necessary next steps as information changes quickly and frequently during this pandemic. By every account, the team has pulled together exceptionally in the face of challenging times and on behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to say a most sincere thank you to all.

I have the utmost confidence in this GBGH team, but as a community, we can still help them help us. First and foremost, please heed the government’s insistence about the importance of continued physical distancing. Please remember to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. As a retired physician, I cannot stress the importance of this enough for preventing the spread of infection.

Please take care of yourselves – both emotionally and physically. If you have symptoms, please seek testing through the Midland Assessment Centre, accessible through the GBGH website ( or by calling 705-529-1025.

If you’re able, please consider making a financial contribution to the GBGH Foundation. The preparations for COVID-19 do not come without a cost as the hospital has purchased the necessary equipment to increase our capacity to care for critically ill patients.

Our community has been incredible to GBGH during this pandemic. Thank you for standing by our side, helping your hospital and helping your fellow community members.

Dr. Patrick McNamara

Chair, Board of Directors

Georgian Bay General Hospital

A Letter to Our Community

During uncertain times, we want our community to understand how Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is preparing to address the COVID-19 global pandemic. As always, ensuring the safety of our patients and team of dedicated and skilled professionals is our highest priority. We need our staff and physicians to be here for you, providing exceptional care to every patient, every time.

Ensuring safety has led to some difficult decisions – ones we wish we didn’t have to make.

In addition to screening every person entering the hospital, we cancelled non-urgent surgeries and procedures to reduce visits to the hospital. Under normal circumstances we never want to cancel services, but these times are not business as usual. In doing this, we have more resources to re-direct toward COVID-19 and most importantly, to help ensure non-urgent patients remain socially distanced.

As much as we understand the positive impact family and friends have on our patients, GBGH has restricted visitation for safety reasons. This is not a decision we take lightly. To help patients and loved ones stay connected, the hospital is now offering free television, phone and internet service.

We wish there were never times when we have to turn away our patient’s loved ones, but we need to preserve their safety as much as that of our patients and team. Patients will continue to need love and support as they return home, so we ask their families and friends to stay safe, practice social distancing and remain healthy for them in the future.

When it comes to love and support, our community is certainly showing theirs for GBGH. We appreciate everyone’s overwhelming outpouring of gratitude for our hospital team. It certainly does not go unnoticed and provides that extra boost our team needs to get through challenges. We are encouraging messages and photos of thanks for the hospital through social media using #AllHandsOnDeck, #HeartfeltThanksForGBGH and @GBGHFoundation.

As healthcare providers continue doing all we can to prevent the spread of infection, a COVID-19 Assessment Centre has been opened in Midland – through a partnership with Chigamik Community Health Centre and Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care. This clinic was established to meet the needs of community members who have symptoms. The Centre is available by appointment only to ensure social distancing and effectively manage the need for screening, and where appropriate, testing. Information about the Centre can be found on GBGH’s website –

GBGH is well-prepared to respond to COVID-19 taking all precautions necessary to ensure safety – both inside our hospital and in the broader community. Everything our hospital does wouldn’t be possible without our exceptional team. Each day they make us proud and confident we will meet the challenges ahead.

Gail Hunt – President and CEO, GBGH

Dr. Vikram Ralhan – Chief of Staff, GBGH

Dr. Olivia Cheng (front left), orthopedic surgeon, performs a shoulder repair surgery at Georgian Bay General Hospital.

February 11, 2020 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is now providing shoulder repair surgery as part of the hospital’s expansion of surgical services. GBGH was funded for 33 shoulder surgeries in 2019-2020 by the Ministry of Health, enabling the hospital to provide this care to its community.

These procedures – including repairing the shoulder joint, rotator cuff and clavicular joints, as well as muscles and tendons of the arm around the shoulder – are needed within GBGH’s North Simcoe catchment area. Nearly 100 patients from Tiny, Tay, Midland, Penetanguishene, Springwater and Wasaga received shoulder inspection/repair outside this region last year.

“We are working diligently to find opportunities to expand our surgical program to benefit both our community and GBGH,” says Lucille Perreault, vice president of clinical services and chief nursing executive, GBGH. “We know how important it is for patients to receive care within their own community whenever possible and we’re very pleased to be able to provide this new service.”

In preparation for performing shoulder procedures, GBGH purchased equipment to perform these procedures including arthroscopes/laproscopes, a shoulder scope set and an E-Z lift beach chair and shoulder table accessory storage cart. The hospital was able to buy this equipment due to funds raised at the Glenn Howard Charity Golf Tournament for enhancing GBGH’s surgical program.

As shoulder surgeries are a new procedure for GBGH, the operating room team received the required training in the fall and the hospital began offering this service in November 2019. As of the end of January, GBGH had performed 15 shoulder surgeries and will complete all 33 cases by the end of March. Shoulder repairs performed at GBGH are typically day surgeries and are considered Quality Based Procedures, offering additional funding from the Ministry of Health to hospitals.

Local patients have already voiced their appreciation for having this service available close to home.

“In December I had rotator cuff surgery at GBGH and wanted to say how pleased I was with the whole experience,” says patient Paul Jagos. “The facilities were clean and updated with new equipment. The nurses, anesthesiologist and surgeon were courteous, kind and professional. Everything was explained so even I knew what was going to happen. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved for making my experience as pleasant as possible.”

The procedures are being performed by orthopedic surgeons from GBGH, Collingwood and Barrie.

Jennifer Moore
Communications Officer, GBGH
705-526-1300 ext 5177

Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is a 113-bed hospital serving residents and visitors in the Southern Georgian Bay shoreline communities of Midland, Penetanguishene, Tiny Township, Tay Township, Beausoleil First Nation, Georgian Bay Township and Springwater Township.

In order to identify a diverse group of Board members for the hospital, GBGH’s Community Based Nominations Committee (CBNC) is seeking expressions of interest from members of our community to fill four (4) vacant positions on our Board of Directors.

The GBGH Board is skills-based and provides governance oversight (as opposed to management) of the hospital’s mission, vision, values and strategic plan. Through recruitment, the hospital seeks individuals who bring a variety of skills and diverse perspectives to a Director role. All skills sets and backgrounds provide valuable insights to the hospital’s governance, and we are seeking strengths in finance and political advocacy, as well as individuals who reflect the communities GBGH serves (including Francophone, First Nation, Metis and Inuit communities).

Please direct enquiries to:

Community Based Nominations Committee –
Attention: Chair
C/O Sarah Pendlebury
Georgian Bay General Hospital
1112 St. Andrew’s Drive,
P.O. Box 760
Midland, ON L4R 4P4

Applications, including resumes, must be received by 9:00 a.m., Monday, March 2, 2020.

Dr. Peter Kizoff (left), co-chief hospitalist at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH), was recently presented with an Award of Excellence from the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP), recognizing his efforts to provide medical assistance in dying care to patients. Dr. Kizoff received the award November 28, 2019 from Dr. Elizabeth Muggah (right), OCFP president-elect.

January 14, 2020 – Dr. Peter Kizoff, co-chief hospitalist at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH), recently received a 2019 Award of Excellence from the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP). Through this award, Dr. Kizoff is being specifically recognized for his efforts to ensure access to compassionate medical assistance in dying (MAiD) care in our region.

Recipients of this award – which recognizes family doctors who have demonstrated exceptional achievement within the past 24 months pertaining to the specialty of family medicine – are nominated by peers or the public.

“I am very honoured to have received this award because it’s an opportunity to recognize the importance of compassionate end-of-life care,” says Dr. Kizoff. “I have been such a strong proponent of access to medical assistance in dying because it should be available to those who need it, when they need it. Offering this care to patients is the right thing to do.”

Dr. Kizoff, of Tiny Township, retired from full-time family practice in 2016 after 32 years and has since focused on palliative and MAiD care. He was one of the first physicians in the Barrie area to be an assessor and provider of MAiD, providing care in patients’ homes, local hospices and in hospital. He joined GBGH in 2016 as a hospitalist and became co-chief hospitalist in 2017.

“We are very fortunate to have exceptional and dedicated physicians like Dr. Kizoff as part of our credentialed staff team at GBGH,” says Dr. Jeffrey Tyberg, interim chief of staff, GBGH. “His efforts to make MAiD accessible to our community are outstanding and are a crucial part of patient-centred care. Dr. Kizoff is a true leader in his commitment to providing MAiD care and guidance both within Simcoe County and beyond our region.”

Dr. Kizoff received this honour November 28, 2019 at the OCFP awards ceremony in Toronto.

Jennifer Moore
Communications Officer, GBGH
705-526-1300 ext 5177