GBGH Switchboard 705-526-1300

Author's Posts

February 3, 2021 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) recently welcomed a new vice president of clinical services and chief nursing executive (CNE) – Angie Saini. Saini joined GBGH in early December, bringing a diverse range of experience in acute care, home and community care services, and health policy development and implementation.

“Throughout my career in healthcare, my top priority has been to preserve and promote patient-centred care and I look forward to continuing this approach with GBGH,” says Saini. “There are many important initiatives taking place at GBGH in what is an innovative and exceptional time for this hospital. In choosing to join GBGH’s senior leadership team, I was inspired by the hospital’s drive to continually improve, engage its team and grow its services to align with the future needs of the community.”

In her role with GBGH, Saini will oversee all clinical programs including emergency and critical care, the surgical program, the medicine program, professional practice, shared programs (Dialysis and Birthing), infection prevention and control, pharmacy, laboratory and diagnostic imaging. Saini will also play a significant role co-chairing the hospital’s Patient and Family Advisory Council and co-leading the hospital’s major transition to a new electronic medical record system in partnership with three other hospitals.

Prior to joining GBGH, Saini was the director of Client Care: Health Care Services with Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association (Brampton) where she provided leadership and strategic direction to a large team of professional staff in the program areas of home care/assisted living/supportive housing, geriatric assessment and intervention, transitional care, chronic disease management and integrated dialysis.

During her 17 years in nursing and clinical leadership, Saini has also developed her skills as a senior program advisor (Emergency Services transformation) and implementation lead (Home and Community Care) with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. She has also worked as a frontline nurse, clinical Instructor and hospital supervisor in acute care settings.

Saini holds a Bachelor of Nursing from the University of Victoria, as well as a Master of Public Health from Lakehead University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Toronto. Saini is also multilingual, speaking English, French, Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi.



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177


January 26, 2021 – To better understand how Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) can best serve women in our community, the hospital is launching two surveys (English and French) related to the Birthing program. The aim of the survey is to better understand the experience of recent patients, as well as hear from future patients about their concerns related to COVID-19.

“At GBGH, we are continually looking at ways we can improve our patient care across the spectrum – whether it be new mothers or senior patients – all feedback is important,” says Angie Saini, vice president, Clinical Services and chief nursing executive, GBGH. “By asking moms who’ve recently delivered about their experience, as well as mothers-to-be who plan to give birth at GBGH about their concerns, we can improve the care we provide. By consistently engaging our community, it helps us to continually improve our services to meet their needs and expectations.”

The English survey can be found on GBGH’s website under the Obstetrical Unit –

The French survey can be found on GBGH’s French website under Obstétriques –

Both surveys will be available on the websites until March 31, 2021.

In 2017, GBGH entered into a joint birthing program with Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (OSMH). Through this partnership, patients have access to high quality birthing services close to home across a corridor of care stretching between OSMH’s and GBGH’s catchment areas. For birthing services, GBGH is a Level 1 centre providing service for low-risk births, while Orillia is a Level 2 centre for higher risk births.


Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177

January 12, 2021 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH), in consultation with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, has officially declared the COVID-19 outbreak over. The outbreak, which was initially declared on December 4, included the hospital’s 2 North inpatient unit. Several other inpatient units were part of the outbreak, but were removed on December 22 and January 5.

“Getting through this COVID-19 outbreak has been very challenging during an already difficult time throughout the past 10 months of the pandemic,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH. “I am proud of our teams’ diligence during the implementation of enhanced safety measures and I thank them for their commitment to bring this outbreak to an end. I’d also like to thank our community for its ongoing support and generosity. Finally, on behalf of GBGH, I’d like to offer our deepest condolences to the families of patients who passed away in connection with the outbreak.”

Although the outbreak is over, GBGH will continue following strict infection prevention and control measures such as enhanced cleaning, utilizing droplet/contact precautions for all patients and masking of patients during all care. The hospital will also continue to restrict visitation to all but essential visitors or those who meet exceptional circumstances (palliative, birthing). This decision to continue restricted visitation is due to the increased prevalence of COVID-19 in the community.

Between January 1 and 10, 60 per cent (550 people) of GBGH staff and credentialed staff received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine through the COVID-19 Immunization Clinic in Barrie.



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177


January 5, 2021 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is now able to remove the 1 North inpatient unit from its COVID-19 outbreak – a decision made in consultation with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit. The 2 North inpatient unit is now the only remaining area of the hospital still considered to be in outbreak. The hospital had previously removed 2 East, ICU and Obstetrics from the outbreak on December 22.

Over the past weekend and within the upcoming week, more than 50 per cent of GBGH staff and credentialed staff will receive the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from the Barrie Immunization Clinic. GBGH staff and credentialed staff are travelling to receive the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in Barrie due to its temperature sensitivity.

“This week is historic for our hospital as the majority of our staff and credentialed staff will have received their first dose of the vaccine by January 10,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH. “Our goal at GBGH is to provide safe, exceptional care and having this vaccine available to us so quickly brings hope and a much-needed morale boost to our team.”

GBGH staff and credentialed staff will receive their second dose of the vaccine approximately 21 days after the first dose. Even once the vaccine provides full immunity, the hospital will continue following public health guidelines for personal protective equipment (PPE) and physical distancing to ensure the ongoing safety of patients and team members.

As of January 5, there have been the following cases related to the outbreak:

  • 32 patient cases
    • Six patients admitted in hospital
    • 19 patients discharged
    • Six outbreak-related deaths
  • 32 staff/credentialed staff cases
  • One visitor related to the outbreak (high risk contact of a COVID positive patient during their period of communicability)

Statistics related to the outbreak are updated daily and can be found on the GBGH website –



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177

December 30, 2020 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is resuming non-urgent and elective procedures and surgeries after these services were postponed December 7 at the beginning of the outbreak. The resumption of services includes ambulatory care procedures, such as endoscopy, which were also postponed. The decision to proceed was based on no transmission in the surgical and ambulatory care departments and was made in consultation with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.

“GBGH has a comprehensive plan to safely and efficiently resume elective and non-urgent surgeries and procedures, ensuring our community once again has access to these important services,” says Dr. Vikram Ralhan, chief of staff and chair, Elective Surgical and Procedural Oversight Committee, GBGH. “We have worked with our physicians and clinical leaders to develop and implement a plan which will enable us to re-schedule procedures and gradually catch up on any waitlists created by this postponement.”

Physicians’ offices or the hospital will contact patients to notify them regarding re-scheduling their surgery or procedure. Urgent and emergent surgeries and procedures have always continued throughout the pandemic and recent outbreak. The hospital does have plans in place should it need to suddenly ramp down services again due to a surge in COVID-19 patients.

As of the end of day December 29, there have been the following cases related to the outbreak:

  • 31 patient cases
    • 10 patients admitted in hospital
    • 15 patients discharged
    • Six outbreak-related deaths
  • 27 staff/credentialed staff cases
  • One visitor related to the outbreak (high risk contact of a COVID positive patient during their period of communicability)

Statistics related to the outbreak are updated daily and can be found on the GBGH website –



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177


December 22, 2020 – For the past 16 years, team members from Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) have contributed gifts to families in need through the Christmas Angel Wish campaign with Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions. This year, the hospital was sent a list of 17 wishes for children ranging in age from infant to teenagers, and all are being fulfilled. Special thank you to GBGH team member Kary Miller (Staffing) for organizing the hospital’s campaign and R.U.Moving? for helping deliver GBGH’s gifts.



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext. 5177

December 22, 2020 – Three of five inpatient units at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) have been removed from the organization’s COVID-19 outbreak. 2 East, Obstetrics and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are no longer considered to be part of the outbreak as there has been no transmission in these areas. This decision was made in consultation with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.

The outbreak was initially declared on the 2 North inpatient unit on December 4 and was then expanded to all inpatient units as a precaution on December 7.

“Soon after the outbreak was declared on the 2 North inpatient unit, we added all inpatient units as a precaution to monitor possible transmission beyond the initial cluster of cases,” says Dr. Dan Lee, chief of Emergency Medicine and COVID-19 medical lead, GBGH. “Now that we have confirmed no transmission in these areas, we have consulted with public health and it has been deemed safe to remove the ICU, 2 East and Obstetrics from the outbreak.”

All areas of the hospital will continue to maintain strict guidelines related to personal protective equipment (PPE), enhanced cleaning, and other infection prevention and control measures such as the masking of patients for any contact within two metres. All new admissions to the hospital will continue to be tested for COVID-19 and all patients are receiving care under the presumption of possibly being COVID-positive.

As of the end of day December 21, there have been the following cases related to the outbreak:

  • 23 patient cases
    • 12 remain admitted in hospital
    • Eight discharged
    • Three outbreak-related deaths
  • 24 staff/credentialed staff cases
  • One visitor related to the outbreak (high risk contact of a COVID positive patient during their period of communicability)

Statistics related to the outbreak are updated daily and can be found on the GBGH website –



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177

December 17, 2020 – The COVID-19 outbreak on all inpatient units at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH), declared December 4 in consultation with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU), continues. Through extensive contact tracing with public health, the hospital is making significant progress in determining the original location and source of the outbreak.

As of the end of day December 17, there have been the following cases related to the outbreak:

  • 18 patient cases
    • Ten remain admitted in hospital
    • Six discharged home
    • Two outbreak-related deaths
  • 22 staff/credentialed staff cases
  • One visitor related to the outbreak (high risk contact of a COVID positive patient during their period of communicability)

At this time, all the cases confirmed to date are related to the initial transmission in early December. There have been no new sources of transmission found since outbreak infection prevention and control protocols were implemented on December 4.

“We know the incubation period for COVID-19 can be up to 14 days long,” says Dr. Dan Lee, chief of Emergency Medicine and COVID-19 medical lead, GBGH. “The cases we’ve discovered over the past 13 days, through our surveillance testing and from looking at connections between cases, are all related to the initial source of the outbreak. Although we’ve had infection prevention and control measures in place from the outset of the pandemic, the enhanced precautions post-outbreak have helped prevent new transmissions.”

At this time, non-urgent and elective surgeries and procedures are still postponed. GBGH is taking guidance from public health regarding timing to safely resume these services.

“We understand the postponement of non-urgent or elective procedures and surgeries is never ideal,” says Dr. Vik Ralhan, chief of staff and chair, Elective Surgical and Procedural Oversight Committee, GBGH. “Some conditions can become more urgent when delayed, it is frustrating for patients who have to wait, not only for safety, but quality of life as well. Our physicians always have timely patient care at the top of their minds and are eager to proceed with a ramp up when authorized. The resumption date is being evaluated on a daily basis to get elective procedures and surgeries up and running. We recognize this is frustrating, but want everyone to know that one of our top priorities is to get up and running safely.”

Statistics related to the outbreak are updated daily and can be found on the GBGH website –



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177

December 14, 2020 – The COVID-19 outbreak on all inpatient units at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH), declared December 4 in consultation with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU), continues.

As of the end of day December 13, there have been the following cases related to the outbreak:

  • 14 patient cases
    • Eight remain admitted in hospital
    • Five discharged home
    • One outbreak-related death
  • 20 staff/credentialed staff cases

“Since the outbreak was declared, GBGH has worked closely with the SMDHU and our Infection Prevention and Control department to take further precautions related to patients and our team members,” says Dr. Dan Lee, COVID medical lead and chief of Emergency Medicine, GBGH. “From the start of the pandemic, we have implemented many measures to provide a safe place for our patients to receive care, our staff to work and our credentialed staff to practice. These actions have been increased due to the recent outbreak.”

Some of these actions include:


  • Limit patient movement between units/departments (complete some procedures and diagnostic tests at the bedside)
  • Increased monitoring of all patients for symptoms
  • All newly admitted patients are tested for COVID-19, regardless of whether they have symptoms
  • All patients are placed on droplet/contact precautions under the assumption they could potentially be COVID positive
  • All patients are masked for any procedures or assessments done with less than two metres of distance between the care team and the patient
  • Grouping of COVID positive patients in designated ‘hot’ areas of the hospital
  • Postponement of non-urgent and elective procedures (Ambulatory Care) and surgeries
  • Suspended inpatient visitation with the exception of special circumstances
  • Enhanced environmental cleaning measures
  • Extensive contact tracing

Staff and Credentialed Staff

  • Surveillance testing of staff and credentialed staff
  • Opening additional break room space
  • Strictly enforcing capacity limits in break rooms
  • Enhanced cleaning in break rooms, nursing stations and other high-touch areas
  • Limiting the movement of staff and credentialed staff between units/departments
  • Extensive contact tracing



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177


December 10, 2020 – The COVID-19 outbreak on all inpatient units at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH), declared December 4 in consultation with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, continues.

As of the end of day December 9, there have been the following cases related to the outbreak:

  • Six inpatient cases
    • Four remain admitted in hospital
    • One discharged home
    • One death
  • 17 staff/credentialed staff cases

Contact tracing for current patients and staff is being completed through the hospital’s Occupational Health and Safety and Infection Prevention and Control departments. Contact information for anyone who has been an inpatient (and has now been discharged) or outpatient at the hospital, or who may be considered a high-risk contact of one of these cases, has been provided to public health for community follow-up.

GBGH has tested 527 staff and credentialed staff since December 5.



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177