Tiny Ties disbands, giving remaining funds to GBGH

Past directors from Tiny’s Residents Working Together (TRWT) recently visited Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) to make a donation of approximately $4,200. TWRT published the Tiny Ties newspaper based on financial support from advertisers and dedicated members. In 2010, the last Tiny Ties paper was published due to lack of volunteers. With the remaining funds, TRWT directors made the decision the money would best serve the residents of Tiny and the community if given to GBGH. TRWT is proud to make this donation on behalf of its loyal supporters.
Back row – Sheree Noon, vice president, Clinical Services, GBGH; Roger Goddard, GBGH Foundation Board of Directors; Stewart Boecker, vice president, Corporate Services and CFO; George Lawrence, past director, TRWT; Jane Millar, vice chair, GBGH Board of Directors and past editor, Tiny Ties; Bob Miskimins, past director, TRWT; and Dawn Major, senior director, Organizational Performance.
Front row – Cathy Travers, GBGH Foundation Board of Directors; Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH; Carol Donaldson, past director, TRWT; Carey Moran, past chair, GBGH Foundation Board of Directors; and Marilyn Campbell Davis, executive director, GBGH Foundation.
Absent – TRWT past directors Peter Sickinger, Mary Campbell, Dorie Holmes and Katy McKanday.