Georgian Bay General Hospital welcomes its new CEO

Gail Hunt’s first day on the job as the hospital’s new CEO was September 11 and she is looking forward to all that role will entail.
“GBGH presents a new challenge in my career with a larger community and larger hospital. Now that my children have all gone off to their post-secondary educations, I was looking for a new challenge in a larger community, yet one that would still have small community appeal,” she said. “GBGH has all that to offer, many new opportunities and projects on the go, and a beautiful central location.”
Gail spent the last 15 years as CEO at Chapleau Health Services, noting while that organization and GBGH contain a number of similarities in demographics the fluctuating and larger population present a new challenge for her.
She is looking forward to life both inside and outside of the office.
“Although I love living in a small town, Chapleau is an extremely isolated community, therefore I am very excited about all the amenities and activities that Midland and the surrounding areas have to offer in comparison,” she said. “For my career, I look forward to the new challenges and opportunities that GBGH is currently facing.”
She is also impressed with how invested the community is in the hospital.
“It is obvious in the number of volunteers, donations and participation in fundraising activities for GBGH. Not all hospitals are lucky enough to have community members so committed to their success.”
Gail doesn’t plan on wasting any time, and is looking forward to getting to know the organization and the staff that make it run.
“I am sure that the recent transitions in senior leadership have been very difficult for staff. It always takes a certain amount of time for staff to adapt to and become comfortable with new leaders, therefore I want to get to know the staff and hear their opinions and ideas,” she said. “There are already so many terrific projects that are underway or identified at GBGH, now stability and support from leadership will allow us to move forward on these projects.”