GBGH opens up visitation as COVID-19 cases decline

February 24, 2022 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is lifting some visitation restrictions based on provincial re-opening plans, as well as the decreasing cases of COVID-19 in our local community and throughout our region. Effective February 25, admitted patients will be permitted one visitor per day between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.
“Increasing visitation is a very welcome change, particularly after the past few months, and the challenges everyone has faced,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH. “Given the decline of cases in the area and across the province, GBGH feels it is the right time to loosen some visitation restrictions.”
As of February 25 GBGH will allow visitation based on the following:
- One visitor per patient per day during visiting hours (exceptions for palliative patients – please contact the care team)
- Visiting hours: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
- Visitors will still be asked for proof of vaccination, screened, must wash their hands and wear a mask (provided by the hospital) for their entire visit
- Food and drink is not permitted
The exceptions to one visitor per day per inpatient include visitation for a palliative/actively dying patient. In palliative cases, GBGH will allow up to four visitors at a time, as coordinated with the care team. Birthing patients are also permitted one visitor for as long as they require assistance.
Emergency department patients and outpatients (Ambulatory Care, Diagnostic Imaging, Day Surgery) may have one support person if deemed necessary by the patient.
As the hospital cares for vulnerable patient populations, visitors to GBGH are still required to show proof of vaccination and identification, regardless of changes in provincial proof of vaccination mandates. Visitors will also be screened and anyone who screens positive for COVID-19 symptoms will not be able to visit. In exceptional circumstances (such as a support person for a woman in labour, a parent/guardian of a child in the Emergency department or a palliative/end of life patient), a visitor who screens positive for symptoms will be reviewed by GBGH’s infection prevention and control practitioner or hospital coordinator prior to entry.
All visitors must comply with hand hygiene practices, wear a hospital-provided mask for the duration of their visit and follow physical distancing. Visitors could also be asked to wear additional personal protective equipment as determined by the care team based on a patients’ condition.
Visitor guidelines are subject to change based on the status of the pandemic within the region GBGH serves.
For more information, please visit
Jennifer Moore
Director, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Georgian Bay General Hospital
705-526-1300 ext 5177