Enteric outbreak over on GBGH’s 2 East unit

December 29, 2019 – An enteric outbreak on the 2 East at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) has been declared over, in consultation with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit. GBGH met the criteria for the outbreak to end based on the hospital remaining without additional cases for five days, measured from the last patient case on December 24.
“Our team took quick action to prevent the spread of the virus from the five symptomatic cases to other patients on 2 East and throughout the building,” says Janine Duquette, infection prevention and control practitioner, GBGH. “This had a significant impact on reducing the spread of infection. Our outbreak management team was very diligent in ensuring infection prevention and control practices were followed so we could reduce the length of the outbreak, therefore reducing the risk to other patients on the unit.”
In quick response to the five hospital-acquired enteric cases, the hospital immediately implemented enhanced infection prevention and control measures including increased housekeeping, use of personal protective equipment, and meticulous hand hygiene practices. Visitation instructions for 2 East have now been removed.
Jennifer Moore
Communications Officer, GBGH
705-526-1300 ext 5177