GBGH adds enhanced MAiD and palliative care to meet patients’ end of life needs

August 8, 2023 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) has recently launched a new Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) and Palliative Care service to support the hospital’s admitted patients in their end of life decision-making. This service is available to any patient at the request of the physician providing their general, primary care while at GBGH.
“While most general practitioners and hospitalists are trained to employ palliative approaches in their everyday care, it can be challenging in a busy hospital setting to complete comprehensive palliative assessments, which involves counselling and difficult conversations,” says Dr. Vikram Ralhan, chief of staff, GBGH. “At GBGH we are adapting our services to grow and align with community needs. Ensuring patients have access to compassionate palliative and MAiD care is a priority for GBGH as the hospital strives to offer consistent and dependable care that is person-driven.”
The MAiD and Palliative Care service is being supported by five physicians with special palliative expertise who are dedicated to ensuring the highest quality of care for patients with serious life-limiting disease. This may include patients in end of life with a focus on providing relief from symptoms and improving their quality of life. To ensure consistent access to MAiD and palliative care guidance and consultations while at GBGH, a weekly on-call schedule has been developed to ensure comprehensive coverage throughout the year.
During a palliative care consultation, plans and other recommendations will be sent by the palliative care physician to the physician providing primary care while in hospital, as well as to community providers to ensure a seamless transition in care. For a MAiD consultation, the on-call palliative physician may complete assessments in determining eligibility for MAiD.
Jennifer Moore
Director, Communications & Community Relations, GBGH
705-526-1300 ext 5177