Pharmaceutical Services

Pharmaceutical Services

The Pharmacy Department is responsible for provision of medications for inpatients.

The department is staffed by a combination of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

As part of the health care team, the pharmacy department provides the following services: drug distribution, drug information, patient medication profile monitoring, drug use evaluation, parenteral nutrition, IV batching and adverse drug reaction monitoring.

Transcribed details missing from the end of the above Medication Safety video’s audio track and closed captions:

  • For tools and resources to create your medication list, visit:
  • To report a mistake with your medicines and to help prevent similar errors happening to others, visit:
  • Thanks to Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada;
    • ismp CANADA –
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  • Written, narrated, and produced by, Dr. Mike Evans. Illustrations by, Liisa Sorsa. Directed, photographed, and produced by, Nick de Pencier. Editor, David Schmidt. Store/Graphic facilitator, Disa Kauk. Production assistant and set builder, Chris Niesing. Director of operations, Mike Heinrich.
  • Dr. Evans is an Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Toronto, staff physician at St. Michael’s Hospital, and Director of the Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital.
  • Thanks to;
    • Dr. David Juurlink BPhm, MD, PhD, FRCPC. Head of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Sunnybrook Hospital and University of Toronto. Professor of Medicine and Paediatrics, University of Toronto.
    • Dr. Christine Papoushek ParmD. Pharmacotherapy specialist, Family Medicine, Family Practice Unit, Toronto Western Hospital.
    • Brenda Chang, RPh, PharmD, PScPhm, CDE. Primary Care Pharmacist, Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner, St. Michael’s Hospital Academy Family Health Team.
    • Scott Gavura, BScPhm, MBA, RPh. Director, Provincial Drug Reimbursement Programs, Cancer Care Ontario.
  • The information and references contained in this video are intended solely for the information and education of the viewer. It is not to be used for treatment purposes, only to drive discussions between the patient and the healthcare provider.  The information presented her is not intended to diagnose health problems or to replace professional medical care, nor should it be considered a substitute for seeing a physician.
  • All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained in or available through this video is for information and education purposes only. The primary limitation with online resources is the inability to consider the unique circumstances of any given patient. If you have further questions, please consult a medical professional.
  • © 2014 Reframe Health Films Inc.