GBGH Switchboard 705-526-1300

Author's Posts

February 2, 2022 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH), in consultation with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, has officially declared the COVID-19 outbreak over on its 2 East inpatient unit.

The outbreak, originally declared January 29, included one patient who contracted COVID-19 while receiving care at the hospital. No further transmission among patients or staff was determined through increased PCR testing.



Jennifer Moore

Director, Communications & Stakeholder Relations

Georgian Bay General Hospital

705-526-1300 ext 5177

January 29, 2022 – An outbreak of COVID-19 has been declared on the 2 East inpatient unit at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH), in collaboration with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit. The outbreak includes one patient who contracted COVID-19 while receiving care at the hospital.

Enhanced cleaning and other infection prevention and control measures – including increased testing of patients and staff – are in place. Visitation to the unit is limited to essential caregivers of non-COVID positive patients only. The unit has not been closed to admissions at this time.



Jennifer Moore

Director, Communications & Stakeholder Relations

Georgian Bay General Hospital

705-526-1300 ext 5177

January 11, 2022 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is adjusting its visitation policy based on the continuing trend of increasing local COVID-19 cases and the transmissibility of the Omicron variant. Effective January 12, admitted patients will be permitted one designated visitor who plays an essential role in caregiving, as determined by the patient and care team.

“Given the transmissibility of the Omicron variant and the impact it’s having on the community, GBGH is further limiting visitation,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH. “Although never a simple decision, as a hospital we must do all we can to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. The unfortunate, but necessary, next step is restricting visitation until we see a significant downward trend in cases. We continuously evaluate visitation and will once again lift some restrictions as soon as it is safe to do so.”

There remain exceptions to the visitation policy in the case of a palliative/actively dying patient. Birthing patients are permitted one visitor for as long as they require assistance.

There is an appeal process for the visitation policy, which is initiated by contacting the patient’s care team, who will then escalate the request to the appropriate hospital staff for a decision.

For outpatient services (i.e. Ambulatory Care, Diagnostic Imaging, Day Surgery) and the Emergency department, GBGH continues to permit only one essential support person per patient based on meeting the following criteria:

  • Pediatric patients – i.e. children under 18 (one guardian permitted with child)
  • Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care staff supervising a patient
  • Central North Correctional Centre (CNCC) staff guarding an inmate
  • Language barrier (translation required)
  • Mental health/competency/confusion challenges
  • Palliative

Designated visitors and essential support persons must be vaccinated and show proof of immunization, as well as identification, prior to being granted entry to the hospital. They will also be screened and anyone who screens positive for COVID-19 symptoms will not be able to visit. In exceptional circumstances (such as a support person for a woman in labour, a parent/guardian of a child in the Emergency department or a palliative/end of life patient), a visitor who screens positive for symptoms will be reviewed by GBGH’s infection prevention and control practitioner or hospital coordinator prior to entry.

All visitors must comply with hand hygiene practices, wear a hospital-provided mask for the duration of their visit and follow physical distancing. Visitors could also be asked to wear additional personal protective equipment as determined by the care team based on a patients’ condition.

Visitor guidelines are subject to change based on the status of the pandemic within the region GBGH serves.

For more information, please visit



Jennifer Moore

Director of Communications and Stakeholder Relations, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177

After much anticipation and eight days into the New Year, Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) welcomed the first baby of the year. Baby Beau was born on Saturday, January 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., weighing in at 7 pounds and 10 ounces. Proud parents Kendra Kennedy and David Taylor reside in Tiny Township.

From April 2020 to March 2021, 133 babies were born at GBGH.



Jennifer Moore

Director of Communications and Stakeholder Relations, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext. 5177

January 7, 2022 – Effective immediately, Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is ramping down elective and non-urgent procedures and surgeries as directed by the Ontario government. This provincial direction is intended to preserve bed capacity and healthcare staffing levels in response to rising COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron variant. Urgent and emergent surgeries and procedures will continue at the hospital.

Areas impacted by the reduction in non-urgent and elective services include surgery, ambulatory care and diagnostic imaging. GBGH and physicians are working together to determine which procedures and surgeries will be postponed in the coming weeks. If a scheduled procedure or surgery is postponed, patients will be contacted by the hospital or their physician’s office. If a patient has not been contacted about postponement, their procedure is continuing as scheduled.

If an individual has a requisition from their family physician for a non-urgent diagnostic imaging procedure (i.e. X-ray), GBGH is asking that they delay walk-in visits to have this procedure completed at the hospital.

“We understand the postponement of surgeries and procedures can be frustrating and stressful for patients and their families, but it is essential to preserving both bed and staff capacity in the hospital system right now,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH. “We are facing one of the most challenging times during the pandemic and must make difficult decisions to ensure resources can be directed where they’re needed the most.”

Postponed surgeries and procedures will be re-scheduled once the directive is lifted by the provincial government. Once full services resume, GBGH will make every effort to re-schedule postponed surgeries and procedures in a timely manner.



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177

December 30, 2021 – The Midland COVID-19 Assessment Centre is currently experiencing unprecedented demand for testing within the community. The centre, operated by the North Simcoe Family Health Team (NSFHT), has been working with its health partners to increase testing appointments for the community, including extending hours Monday to Friday and weekends.

“The Midland COVID-19 Assessment Centre has expanded its hours when possible to accommodate the increased demand for testing,” says Andrew Shantz, executive director, NSFHT. “Current demand has well surpassed the capacity of assessment centres across the province with limited health human resources to staff the centre and perform the swabs. We are increasing staff when possible and we ask for your patience and understanding when both booking a testing appointment and receiving your results.”

Given the extreme demand for testing across Ontario, as of December 30, the provincial government announced new eligibility criteria to preserve testing capacity for those at highest risk of contracting COVID-19. Those considered to be a highest risk include patient-facing healthcare workers, hospitalized patients and individuals 70+ years of age with a risk factor (such as obesity, diabetes or kidney disease). A full list of those now eligible for testing can be found here:

Members of the general public with mild symptoms are being asked not to seek testing. Individuals with symptoms indicative of COVID-19 can be presumed to be infected with COVID-19 and should initiate timely self-isolation to prevent transmission in the community. For more information on self-isolating, please visit:

COVID-19 swabs completed at the Midland COVID-19 Assessment Centre are sent to a central laboratory in Toronto for testing. Given the surge in tests completed over the past two weeks, the central laboratories processing swabs are also experiencing a dramatic increase in volumes – the highest of the pandemic to date. Results of tests may be delayed up to four days. For those awaiting test results, they should continue to check regularly online and self-isolate.

The Emergency department (ED) at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) has also seen a significant increase in people seeking a COVID-19 test. The hospital is not a COVID-19 testing site and those who have mild or no symptoms should not attend the ED for a test.

“GBGH’s Emergency department is always here for you if you’re ill or injured,” says Dr. Vikram Ralhan, chief of staff and Emergency physician, GBGH. “If you think you have COVID-19 and are not experiencing symptoms, or have mild symptoms similar to a cold, please do not visit the ED for testing. Visiting the hospital for testing puts other vulnerable patients at risk of exposure to COVID-19.”

For a list of assessment centre locations across the province, please visit:

To book a COVID-19 test at the Midland COVID-19 Assessment Centre based on the updated testing eligibility criteria announced December 30:

The operation of the Midland COVID-19 Assessment Centre has been a collaboration between partners – GBGH, the NSFHT, Centre de santé communautaire CHIGAMIK Community Health Centre, Wendat Community Programs and Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care.



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177

From left – Matthew Lawson, executive vice president, Corporate Services and chief financial officer, GBGH; Angela Puddicombe, supervisor, Facilities, GBGH; Jennifer Moore, communications officer; Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH; and Joanne Borley, vice president, St. Margaret’s Chapter (Midland) of St. Vincent de Paul.


December 23, 2021 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) held its annual Holiday Food Drive to collect donations for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Banks in Midland and Penetanguishene. The Food Drive, was organized by GBGH’s Wellness Committee. Several hundred kilograms of food and toiletries were collected for community food baskets over the three-week food drive.



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext. 5177

For the past 17 years, team members from Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) have contributed gifts to families in need through the Christmas Angel Wish campaign with Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions. After another challenging year for the hospital and the community due to the pandemic, GBGH staff were once again generous in their support of families in need. The hospital was sent a list of wishes for 15 children ranging in age from infant to teenagers, and all are being fulfilled – from toys to bedding to toiletries and clothing.

GBGH’s donation would not have been possible without contributions from the Friends of Keewatin Volunteers who donated additional toys on top of the GBGH staff donations. A special thank you goes out to GBGH team member Kary Miller (Staffing) for organizing the hospital’s campaign and R.U.Moving? for helping deliver GBGH’s gifts.



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext. 5177

December 22, 2021 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is further reducing visitation based on the continuing increase in COVID-19 cases in our local community and throughout our region. Effective the afternoon of December 22 (1 p.m.), admitted patients will be permitted to select two designated visitors for the duration of their hospital stay or while GBGH remains at this level of visitation. Of the two designated visitors, one is permitted to visit per day between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.

“To limit the number of visitors we have frequenting the hospital, we’ve had to make a difficult decision about visitation leading into the holidays,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH. “Given the increase in community cases, we can anticipate some visitors may attend the hospital while asymptomatic and without knowing they could be COVID positive. By reducing the variety of visitors to GBGH we hope to reduce the chances of that happening.”

There are exceptions to the visitation policy of two designated visitors in the case of a palliative/actively dying patient. Birthing patients are also permitted one visitor for as long as they require assistance.

GBGH will permit one essential support person per patient for outpatient services (i.e. Ambulatory Care, Diagnostic Imaging, Day Surgery) and the Emergency department.

One essential support person continues to be permitted in the following circumstances:

  • Pediatric patients – i.e. children under 18 (one guardian permitted with child)
  • Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care staff supervising a patient
  • Central North Correctional Centre (CNCC) staff guarding an inmate
  • Language barrier (translation required)
  • Mental health/competency/confusion challenges
  • Palliative

Designated visitors and essential support persons must be vaccinated and show proof of immunization, as well as identification, prior to being granted entry to the hospital. They will also be screened and anyone who screens positive for COVID-19 symptoms will not be able to visit. In exceptional circumstances (such as a support person for a woman in labour, a parent/guardian of a child in the Emergency department or a palliative/end of life patient), a visitor who screens positive for symptoms will be reviewed by GBGH’s infection prevention and control practitioner or hospital coordinator prior to entry.

All visitors must comply with hand hygiene practices, wear a hospital-provided mask for the duration of their visit and follow physical distancing. Visitors could also be asked to wear additional personal protective equipment as determined by the care team based on a patients’ condition.

Visitor guidelines are subject to change based on the status of the pandemic within the region GBGH serves.

For more information, please visit



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177


December 15, 2021 – Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is reducing visitation based on the increasing cases of COVID-19 in our local community and throughout our region. Effective December 16, admitted patients will be permitted one visitor per day between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.

“Although reducing visitation is a very difficult decision, particularly coming into the holidays, it is a necessary precaution we must take to protect our patients, staff and credentialed staff,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH. “Given the surge of cases in the area and the possibility of the highly transmissible Omicron variant, GBGH feels we must make this decision to temporarily reduce visitation. We continue to monitor the situation closely so we can re-establish more open visitation once it is safe to do so.”

The exceptions to one visitor per day per inpatient include visitation for a palliative/actively dying patient. In palliative cases, GBGH will allow up to four visitors at a time, as coordinated with the care team. Birthing patients are also permitted one visitor for as long as they require assistance.

GBGH will continue permitting one visitor/essential support person per patient for outpatient services (i.e. Ambulatory Care, Diagnostic Imaging) and the Emergency department.

One essential support person continues to be permitted in the following circumstances:

  • Pediatric patients – i.e. children under 18 (one guardian permitted with child)
  • Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care staff supervising a patient
  • Central North Correctional Centre (CNCC) staff guarding an inmate
  • Language barrier (translation required)
  • Mental health/competency/confusion challenges
  • Palliative

Visitors must be vaccinated and show proof of immunization, as well as identification, prior to being granted entry to the hospital. They will also be screened and any visitor who screens positive for COVID-19 symptoms will not be able to visit. In exceptional circumstances (such as a support person for a woman in labour, a parent/guardian of a child in the Emergency department or a palliative/end of life patient), a visitor who screens positive for symptoms will be reviewed by GBGH’s infection prevention and control practitioner or hospital coordinator prior to entry.

All visitors must comply with hand hygiene practices, wear a hospital-provided mask for the duration of their visit and follow physical distancing. Visitors could also be asked to wear additional personal protective equipment as determined by the care team based on a patients’ condition.

Visitor guidelines are subject to change based on the status of the pandemic within the region GBGH serves.

For more information, please visit



Jennifer Moore

Communications Officer, GBGH

705-526-1300 ext 5177